Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hello! Ok so its been a while since i have updated this....two months but ANYWHO we are over that!
Since my last blog alot has happened. I have since gone on to the idea of representing people through the simple but easily understood male symbol on the bathroom door. My tutor then introdued me to an artists named Kieth Haring who used the human shape in a really cool way!
 So after a while i began to notice i was more interested in shapes rather than The human shape! ( as silly as it sounds!)
After looking at signs,symbols and patterns for so look i latched onto the shape of the arrow! Without the arrow direction,simple,easily understood direction would be lost! And i pretty much i just really like the shape! So i began messing around with different materials,papers,methods and ideas! Here are just a few for your viewing pleasure! :)


Cool hope you enjoyed them! I also did some 3-d and messed around with painting on actitate creating "alternative signage"!

Cool so i also found interset in rolling out paint on asitate,leaving it to dry a little then craping words into it,which began with "Hi". After my tutor showed much interest and suggested i do the whole alphebeat i though why no!


Monday, October 18, 2010

And yet another step!

So after experimenting with all that and after an individual tutorial i was asked a question,"How would you represent a person without showing them????" Hmmmmmm How would i ????

Items of clothing???

Hand prints????
(which i also incorporated a little pattern into)    

The step Forward!

           Ok so i havent updated this in a little while but that is only because i have been SOOOOO busy working away. Anywho lets get into it!
           So i have been working with alot of shapes and patterns that i have photographed in the city,i love the research i have done but i know i would struggle to continue with it without having my work in a particular context,because of this i came up with the idea that without people there is no city,it would just be a baron wasteland so i decided to try and combine the two. I wanted to combine portraits by photographer Reinir Leist from his book "American Portraits",and i know it doesnt represent Limerick very well but i just wanted to experiment with some images,with signs,patterns and shapes i had found throughout the city,and i quite liked the outcome.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I may have found the skip in my step i was looking for!

I have spent the last maybe 2 and a half weeks pottering about,not really doing anything of great importance due to a lack of motivation and inspiration. I went outside the other day to take pictures of things in the city that interested me such as patterns,textures,repetition,shapes and colour. I have been doodling around with these ideas and images for the last few days and may have come to an interesting idea. I shall post pictures and more info when i investigate it more,so im afraid all of you 100's of people reading this shall be waiting anxiously!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A small spark of inspiration!

After 2 individual tutorials i may have finally gotten out of the rutt i was stuck in. I went for a long walk through the city today looking at patterns,repitition,colour and shape. Hopefully i can latch onto something from these 4 themes!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The city as a beast and looking in other directions!

After hitting a blank wall i went back to my mind maps to figure out a new way of looking at the city. I like to see the city as a living,breathing and roaring beast full of energy! And as i am interested in peoples emotions such as rage and anger i began looking at pictures of people screaming and how they are full of energy and they release it through their mouths! So i looked pictures of bands i like that do a lot of shouting and i am looking into that whole idea now!

New Blog!

First Blog!